Laguna squalls dad. Message Email Quote. Laguna squalls dad

 Message Email QuoteLaguna squalls dad -Characters *Most personality is only given to Squall, Laguna, and Rinoa*

GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. One of the coolest things about his Sorceress' knight dream is how we holds his gunblade the same way as Laguna does in the movie. Log in to add games to your lists. He missed seeing Raine's new-born son (specifically mentioned in the game), and Raine died shortly after the birth anyway. Q&A. This answers the question in the manual. Ok, Ellone in Squall's "sis" right? And Ellone calls Laguna, "Uncle Laguna" therefore Laguna is also Squall's Uncle correct? Well, I read on a thing about Dissidis Doudecim and it said that there were two Father-Son pair ups (Tidus and Jecht, Laguna and Squall). "Parents" refer to both the mother and the father. so if you beleive the theory that laguna is squalls dad thats a kinda clue. Nor is it a topic to discuss. Dincht has Zell's and Rinoa's father has hers). Laguna then remains on board the airship Ragnarok, where he helps them prepare for their final battle against Ultimecia. Julia searching for Laguna for years, then finally giving up and having Rinoa. The hapless Galbadian soldier Laguna Loire meets his favorite piano player, Julia. Summary: I think this games great!!Okay, so you constantly referred to the GameFAQs translation and now you're saying you referred to the translation I posted? It's the one from GameFAQs, so. Zell was called Rineo und Rinoa was called Laguna. PC Android iOS (iPhone/iPad) Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One. Within the game's plot, Squall is a 17-year-old student at Balamb Garden, a prestigious military academy for elite. . Also Laguna says to Squall "when this is all over, we can talk" So it's at least implied that he means talk about their relationship. The awkwardness between Laguna and Julia was caused by the strong chemistry between them. Terra is pretty notably the exception. Laguna knows it. When they find Squall in the Prison, they say "Laguna, Laguna. Apparently Squall's blood is close enough to his father's that they at least sense a connection. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. Not only does the Ragnarok squence. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. Can anybody clear this issue up for us please?also if laguna is squalls dad we would assume that raine would be his mother correct? 12-14-2010, 04:18 PM #2. This is literally my favorite FF and I played it back when it came out and multiple times after, but unless I'm not remembering this or missed the conversation (selecting "What are you doing here?" to get that piece of dialog, which I likely missed apparently), I had no idea Squall was his son. So Laguna didn't abandon Julia, events beyond his control kept him away and she went off and got hitched. If Squall wanted truth, then it was truth he would get. WTF does any. And yet he didn't even try. . giving birth to her child, that would explain why Squall was in the. Though, the terms were not necessarily always linked with ‘and’ as Squall very well knew. #4. They continued to long for. Laguna never got together with Julia. Final Fantasy 7 Remake • Is Laguna squalls father?-----The most important part of our job is creating informational content. The best game ever made“The debate #FinalFantasy fans should be having is whether or not Laguna is Squall's father. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. I just now put together that it makes total sense that Laguna and Rain are Squalls parents. - The Moombas in D-District prison refer to Squall as Laguna - Squall refers to Ellone as sis. Yes, Squall is indeed Laguna's son. Not because the characters are inherently bad, but because FF8 fails in developing or storytelling. Laguna follows Squall and his friends to the mission and within the Ragnarok Laguna's friends talk about Squall's parents, and Laguna, who has learned the whole story from Ellone—as the reason she had gone to Lunar Base was to meet with him—tells Squall they will have a lot to talk about later. If Kiros knows it, then obviously Laguna would as well. She. I was flabbergasted. I was Laguna Loire, President of Esthar, husband of Raine Loire, foster father of Ellone, best friend of Kiros and Ward. I think it would be cool if he was and I am almost convinced that it is possible but there are a few things that make it hard to be sure. . We know Raine has a child soon after Laguna left as Ellone. Sorry if this was obvious to everyone else lol. That relief only lasted a moment, however, and was broken by another cry of pain from Squall and from the shivers that were starting to wrack his son's body. Laguna could feel Squall nod and slump against him, and he was relieved that he had managed to get through to him. Business, Economics, and Finance. Luckily Kiros is there to cheer him up. Kiros tells Squall that he looks like his mother (and that luckily he doesn't look like his father). It certainly made him look more presidential at least. The bad:I thought that the other thread was starting to get a little cramped, so i made this thread. Within the game's plot, Squall is a 17-year-old student at Balamb Garden, a prestigious military academy for elite. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. " Squall's head turned to where his wife stood by the stage, talking rather eagerly about some matter to her own father. Questions. Julia only had one daughter, Rinoa. A "Squall" is a very heavy storm I think. I think 12 pretty clearly SHOULD have had either Basch, Ashe, or maybe even Balthier as a non-pretty-boy protagonist, but they just couldn't help themselves and had to throw in non-important Vaan. She hadn't felt this happy ever since Squall had departed for Dollet. . I have a son. I mean squall didnt even question his *father* Didn't even say anything about them. Kiros was the only friend of Laguna's that met Raine so that makes sense he'd mention something about Squall's mom and Ward just mentioned his father. ago. So blantently Squall cannot be Laguna's. His hero is Squall's dad. A brief check confirms that this assertion has been present on the article for at least a year. I'm sure there's more, but if Laguna's not Squall's dad, then it's a massive misdirect with no payoff. Laguna ends up holding her hair back in the toilet while she barfs, bless. Then we know that Laguna goes after Ellone and gets stuck in Esthar while he sent Ellone back to Winhill. She dies giving birth to Squall and cries out for Laguna before she dies. An argument: Laguna Loire is homosexual (spoilers) Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topic. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. Log in to add games to your lists. Laguna insisted on being called 'dad', however Squall tried to avoid addressing him whenever possible. In conclusion, in answer to the topic, we all know that yes, Laguna is Squall's father. Home. Kiros says Squall looks like his mother. Squall's parents are Laguna and Raine. Laguna is not Squall's Father If you look in the FF8 instruction manual it says that Laguna is 10 years older than Squall. Last chance for spoiler warning. Message Email Quote. But you'll be so wrapped up in the story, you won't even notice it. Laguna tells Squall that, after it's over, they'll have to have a talk. or create a new account Register; Sign in with:» re: Is Laguna Squalls Dad. WTF does any. Where was it said that Laguna is Squalls dad because I don't remember that being said in the game? Advertisement Coins. It has a tiny bit of Chrono Trigger in that you get a look at the cause and effect of actions carried out years before the game takes place. With a few more steps he titled his head forward and bumped into his dad's. The child was a boy. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the. Board Topics. This is hinted at in a conversation between. Jun 21, 2007. Victory pose in Remastered. well accually luguna is squalls dad. And Squall has Rinoa to unload on after the incident as well. Then talk to Laguna and he mentions talking to Squall about something important after the big mission which we never see. Mark Forums ReadAn argument: Laguna Loire is homosexual (spoilers) Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topic. Member List; Forum Actions. "Back?" Laguna said. (minor spoilers for FFVIII) Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy PSPi know all about final fantasy 7 8 9 so email me at [email protected] if you need any help with them:D laguna is squalls dad by the way and kuja is zidanes cloned brother Anima Relic 04-10-2002, 03:31 PMIt’s heavily implied that Laguna is Squall’s father, so in some ways, the flashbacks are Squall’s chance to walk in his dad’s shoes and understand why he got to where he did. - Inside Ragnarok story. "need a father figure?" Laguna asked. Nor is it a topic to discuss. In a duel with his rival, Seifer Almasy, both end up giving each other mirroring scars across the face. jeez you actually expect me to write that much. The child was a boy. Raine = Rain. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. Final Fantasy VIII review Final Fantasy 8 - The best RPG ever? The good: Everything. Dynamic Threads. Its just up to the player to put 2 and 2 together. Then the FMV stops and Squall is laying on the bed. Laguna tells Squall that, after it's over, they'll have to have a talk. If this is the case, that means the mother would be Raine, (or possible Julia, but the consequences of that are too sick to contemplate). Laguna is the worst dad in all Fina Fantasy. Quistis is an eighteen-year-old instructor at Balamb Garden, where Squall, Zell, and Seifer are students. Posted: 16th July 2015 23:45. An argument: Laguna Loire is homosexual (spoilers) Track this topic | Email this topic | Print this topic. Laguna: What about our talk? Squall: Just leave. Final Fantasy VIII review Great The good: I like the battle system,storyline,and characters. There are weaker characters that feel almost like extras, though, such as Selphie and Zell. He had spent most of the morning showing Laguna his plans for Garden. Final Fantasy VIII review Final Fantasy VIII The good: this game was awesome. More. There are many obvious hints and references throughout the game that imply that Laguna is Squall's father, such as how in the game's ending FMV, it shows a scene where Laguna proposes to Raine, revealing that they were married. Mark Forums ReadWhat this is all implying is that Laguna is Squall's dad, accounting for Raine's baby. Final Fantasy VIII review Final Fantasy VIII The good: The Graphics, the story line, the GFs, Squalls ring and necklace kicked @$$. To answer your question, yes. Throughout the game, there were a lot of implications showing that Laguna Loire is Squall’s father. Bumping the ball up, Zell stepped back, as Ciel sent the ball up towards Zell for another spike from the muscled martial artist. The bad: not much just no actual voices. re: Is Laguna Squalls Dad. "Great!" she grinned, she felt so happy. 04-27-2005, 10:12 PM. Raine and Laguna Loire are Squall's parents. Favorite Boards. One scene he puts the move on her and she says I want to put my career as a pianist first. Reply Yunlihn Squall never got to meet Laguna, and while Ellone had a deep emotional connection to both Laguna and Squall, circumstances prevented her from spending much time with either of them. She had a profound impact on him, and, if anything, his sacrifice teaches us that it is better to have loved and lost (and died), than never to have loved at all (so cliche). unwashed heathen (guest) Nov 11, 16 at 11:21am (PST) ^ re: Is Laguna Squalls Dad: Yes, Squall is indeed Laguna's son. ago. We know this because of the Moomba in the Desert Prison linking the two. As excited as Laguna had been to reveal to Squall that he was his father. Squalls parents spoiler. " Genesis nodded to Angeal, but his eyes were centered on his youngest child. Actually, shock is an understatement. 1. I've played this game like 100 times and never knew Laguna was Squalls dad. Message Email Quote. Squall just tells him to save her and do whatever it takes, which is what he was trying to do anyways. " Said Laguna as he jumped onto a train. P. Kiros was the only friend of Laguna's that met Raine so that makes sense he'd mention something about Squall's mom and Ward just mentioned his father. . Laguna meets Squall in Esthar and it becomes clear that he knows Squall is his son. it is considered an act of sincere fate, luck, and undeserving-ness that which pure sorrow is known to be felt for those unfortunate to encounter this such individual during their lifetime. She was also the reason why Laguna eventually left Raine's villiage, because Ellone was kidnapped by Esthar. 4 - Seifer is manipulated by a combination of his personal dreams and his ingrained love for Edea into "fulfilling his destiny" and being her Knight. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. Here's a perfect example: When Galbadia Garden attacks on Disc 2, Rinoa ends up dangling from a cliff. Wow, I never knew this. Squall and the party don't seem to know, but Ellone, Laguna, Kiros, and Ward all know. Ellone's. WTF does any. No, they are not the same person. He often felt a strange. This would have actually went on a lot further with Rinoa actually having to fight directly against. Squall's ready pose. 15. Posted: 16th July 2015 23:45. Laguna said calmly. or create a new account Register; Sign in with: Squall ends up abandoning his mission and leadership to embrace the present in contrast to Laguna, who left Julia for orders and Raine and Ellone in order to become the leader of Esthar. Is Laguna Squalls Dad - Page 3. The bad: Only a few pointless bits in it. or create a new account Register; Sign in with:There's a lot you can say about Laguna. Laguna Squall‘s father is a bit of a mystery. Zell promises to save her, then runs away to find Squall. Raine Loire in reference to Laguna. Laguna is Squall's dad and Raine is his mom, right? I suspected it before, but on my current play through it all seems clear now. Well, and Lightning. Ellone stayed with her parents next to the town square, next door to the town pub. Summary: tha game is really neat but it got too many flaws like the fights ain't as. From the game we know that this situation is impossible as Laguna was bed ridden for over 6 months following his meeting with Julia. . Although not mentioned in the game, the General's first name, Fury, is given in both the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania and the Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania. We Needn't Say--Laguna and Squall, father and son, total opposites. Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. Reviews. CryptoFinal Fantasy VIII review Final Fantasy VIII The good: This was my the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. : I completely agree that the evidence that Laguna is Squall's father is obvious beyond even the. Its just up to the player to put 2 and 2 together. Irvine pushed him right up to the top and up to the middle where a priest stood dressed in all his finest robes. unwashed heathen (guest) Nov 11, 16 at 11:21am (PST) ^ re: Is Laguna Squalls Dad: Yes, Squall is indeed Laguna's son. Dynamic Threads. . Squall makes the ultimate sacrifice, a selfless act that he would have been out of character before Rinoa came into his life. 4. However i can't seem to find any proof. The top military official in the Galbadian army, he is the husband of the late Julia Heartilly and the father of Rinoa Heartilly. Im sure of it. . The bad: Is this a meaningfull question. And he listens while she rambles on about a concert she wants to play at. Although circumstances kept Julia and Laguna apart their love was reconciled through the romantic involvement of their children, Rinoa (Julia's daughter). Raine Loire is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VIII. . Squall just tells him to save her and do whatever it takes, which is what he was trying to do anyways. since: Jul 2002. He plays a significant role in past events that lead up to what's happening in the game at present day. I was actually a father. Squall = Brief windstorm, usually with snow or rain. I've heard that Laguna is Squalls dad, but this just solidified it for me. Ellone and Squall meet at the Orphanage and got to know about Squally afterwards and tried to change the past. Favorite Boards. You just need to dig around a little bit. Message Email Quote. Actually, it is stated in the game but not in so many words. I think Laguna had no idea he even had a son, that's why he never went looking for him. Posted: 16th July 2015 23:45. The whole time I thought Laguna was stupid for leaving Julia but I realized that the reason he stayed in Winhill was cause of Raine. . and a good if not complicated storyline. In a duel with his rival, Seifer Almasy, both end up giving each other mirroring scars across the face. The word still mystifies me. 3 KB, 27 view) 02-04-2005, 08:49 PM #2. I know Ellone told Laguna he had a son with Raine, but I don't even know if Laguna knew it was Squall. - The Moombas in D-District prison refer to Squall as Laguna - Squall refers to Ellone as sis. Remember Me? Frontsite; Forum; FAQ; Calendar; Community. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Squall's Dad-Spoiler" - Page 5. ”It's an old game, and everyone's complained about it, but the plot really is the worst. NO, THE BEST GAME EVER!!! The good: Graphics,Gameplay, superb storyline,detailed characters,fun minigame,a new junction system which is 100000000. Pride filled his voice as he gave his daughter a slight hug and kissed the top of her head. Message Email Quote. A bit too easy to level up. 15. Here are all the things that could be used to show that Laguna is Squalls father: 1) Laguna = Lagoon. Not to mention that Laguna left two years before Raine died to save Ellone and then he becomes president so that's why Squall never met him until near the end. Ward and Kiros seem to be aware of their relationship: if they are spoken to aboard the Ragnarok at the end of the game, Ward tells Squall he should be glad he does not resemble his father, and Kiros states he resembles his mother, indicating the two of them know Squall's parents. Laguna is Squall's dad and Raine is his mom, right? I suspected it before, but on my current play through it all seems clear now. Only Squall, Rinoa and Laguna are filled out in any depth, therefore the FAQ section where I explain how I came to various decisions regarding the timeline etc is not sub-sectioned by character, and is fairly straight-forward. Board Topics. Questions. Question 2: Who is Squall's father?Squall (under his breath): Sick, Fuck. -Conan The Vegan. The good: Decent graphics, great FMV sequences throughout, nifty card game, varied locations, GF "levelling up", believable (for an. re: squalls mother. I guess that's obviously Squall, because Laguna wasn't there, Ellone was with Laguna and Raine was dead, so Squall had to go to the orphanage. FINAL FANTASY VIII Remasteredfound out how laguna can't possibly be squalls father, in the instruction manual, it says squall is 17 whilst laguna is at the age of 27, thats saying laguna had. SeeD was first established to. Sign in with the following networks. Kiros was the only friend of Laguna's that met Raine so that makes sense he'd mention something about Squall's mom and Ward just mentioned his father. Laguna merely got up from his chair, and slowly came around the desk to stand next to him. Posted: 16th July 2015 23:45. TheAbominatrix. She dies giving birth to Squall and cries out for Laguna before she dies. That and that the ending shows that Laguna and Raine got married. Squall calls Ellone 'sis' all the while. Is Laguna Squalls Dad 138; laser cannon 7; I'm stuck - Odin's lab - Laguna dream sequence!!! 2; Griever thread 34;to be located with the body of a female who owns this last name. "I'm your father. - Inside Ragnarok story. They don't disappear from their children's lives after they grow up and get married. . Final Fantasy 7 Remake • Is Laguna squalls father?-----The most important part of our job is creating informational content. There aren't many hints in the story but the main one takes place in the Ragnorak near the end. I know Ellone told Laguna he had a son with Raine, but I don't even know if Laguna knew it was Squall. . Final Fantasy VIII PlayStation . The game graphics are the best I have seen and I. "I know this must be hard for you, but I felt you deserved to know the truth. 0. He also didn't abandon Raine either. It says in the booklet for the game that Squall is 17 when the game. He cucked Laguna hard. back off, but laguna kept his eyes on Squall, and walked over to him. Squall is his own father. re: Is Laguna Squalls Dad. 3. - The reason why Ellone used her power is one of the clue. Does anyone know at what point in the game you find out Laguna is Squall's father? I've played through twice and I can't believe I missed this! I just saw this in a thread about spoilers lol. Favorite Boards. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. WTF does any. Zell promises to save her, then runs away to find Squall. Final Fantasy VIII review Unforgettable non-stop pleasure, that will have you coming back for more! The good: It is a prodigy among the final fantasy series in its own right, whether it maybe be. 11. on and on and on. Nor is it a topic to discuss. Ellone was not Raines younger sister. Flashbacks involving Ellone, Squall consistently embodies Laguna. How did squall get his scar? Squall’s gunblade of choice is the Revolver, of which he owns a customized version with Griever engraved on both sides. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,704 - Reviews: 2 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 4/29/2007 - Published: 4/28/2007 - id: 3512969 +. Kiros remarks Squall resembles his mother and should be grateful he doesn't look like his father, implying he knows Squall's parents. Squall is the son of Laguna and Rinoa is the daughter of the piano player in Galbadia, the 1st "love" of Laguna. Laguna had only. In the F&Q in this forum, there are the following questions Question 1: Who is Squall's mother? Answer: Raine, sometimes called Raine Leonhart but known as Raine Loire after her marriage to Laguna. » re: Is Laguna Squalls Dad. Rinoa was born in March while Squall was born in August. If that Man came and found them then they'd always be happy and safe, and there would be so many jokes Ellone would never frown again! They'd not be orphans anymore. Cactuar Posts: 263 Joined: 26/5/2015 Awards: This thread isn't to bash homosexuality or Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII. Posted: 16th July 2015 23:45. His power grab not that surprising. Sign in with the following networks. Little is known of Julia’s early life, other than her passion for music. 0. Due to the game's rampant plotholes, at least in part, the whole Laguna being Squall's daddy thing is a little sketchy. Notify me about new: Guides. Is there a scene where Laguna reveals to Squall who his dad is? Laguna says to Squall when they're in Ragnarok that they will talk about it later and i've. Mark Forums ReadSquall looked up at the sound of Ellone shifting in her bed and sighed. On. Both Squall and Ellone, whom Laguna had sent back to Winhill ahead of him, were sent to Edea's orphanage on. AND it is Squall that desperately enter in it for other reasons, and also then Laguna never met or talk directly to him. squalls father passed hell close to marrying the mother of is sons love. Dear Squall, I know I probably should have done this in person. It's said in the game that Raine died because Laguna wasn't close to her when she had her baby. 00000000 00000000. Not only does the Ragnarok squence allude to it, but when the moomba licks Squall's wounds he believes him to be Laguna, Moombas. I have a son. The looking like your father quip suggests that Laguna is the father. It is Kiros to say that Laguna is Squalls father, and not so directly. :confused:There is a lot of discussion about this amongst fans of the game the possibility of Laguna being Squall father. WrongLewisDoofus • 2 yr. Kiros said Squall looked like his mother; Kiros met Raine. I want to continue playing the game but I'm slightly worried. She's using her power to connect to her lost father figure and her lost brother while also connecting a father and son that never even knew about each other. Just like any Taurus, Seifer has some problems with his character, this often. but I especially don't know if Squall ever found out if Laguna was his dad. Squall: Heres my plan, you go distract Selphie by any means and all go sneak in to talk to Rinoa. Sign in with the following networks. Who fits into this description then? 5) The tutorial tells us that Moombas recognize people by licking their blood. Basketball312 • 2 yr. Professionally and personally. Raine and Laguna Loire are Squall's parents. The implication being that seifer grew up watching Laguna's film and idolised him as a role model or father figure, SPOILERS AHEAD this makes Squall and Seifer's rivalry seem like brotherly love haha they have the same dadRemember: Ellone knows who Squall is and has told him about Laguna. The implication being that seifer grew up watching Laguna's film and idolised him as a role model or father figure, SPOILERS AHEAD this makes Squall and Seifer's rivalry seem like brotherly love haha they have the same dad TIL that Laguna is Squall's dad. More. Gaia Online is an online hangout, incorporating social networking, forums, gaming and a virtual world. Is knowing who Squall's dad is a big spoiler? I decided to pick up ff8 on the ps vita because I haven't played it. Hurry up and find us, Dad. The Moombas called Squall Laguna when they licked his blood. Kiros and Ward know the parents, and the father well enough to make fun of him jokingly. 29. 2. News. She. for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. We’re celebrating 38 ways to get wet this summer. I guess knowing this now, the game makes a lot more sense xD. I’ve always believed Laguna was Squalls father. Q&A. The biggest detail that was left out was what exactly Laguna knew about Squall, if anything. 1. Moombas have the ability to recognize humans by their blood. Couldnt tell if laguna is his dad, I woulda thought squalls reactions to laguna woulda been moore than that. Look at the attachment. If Laguna was Rinoa's father then Squall and Rinoa would have to have been conceived within roughly 5 months of each other. Yes, laguna is squall's dad. Kiros also says she was a very. Laguna was 27 during the dream sequences, so he's about 44 during most of the game. Final Fantasy VIII review Final Fantasy VIII - On revisiting. But yeah the game doesn't really explain. Squall carrying an unconscious Rinoa. There's several indicators. Rain died giving birth to Squall while Laguna was searching the world to get Ellone back, and because of that she feels responsible for the personal sufferings of both Laguna and Squall. The revelation adds another layer of complexity to the game’s story and adds emotional weight to the relationship between the two characters.